I am speaking about the ethics involved, not just the science, ie where is the fine line of gene editing in utero? Everyone gets hyperbolic about Crispr allowing people to tailor children to their exact specifications, but I am more interested how and when editing will be feasible, such that people are able to go past altering horrible genetic diseases.  Factually, if you can rid of a disease, or make someone have a specific color of eyes, you could also omit addiction, sociopathic behaviors, propensity for violence or “sexual deviance”, etc? The latter is the hot button topic, in my mind, because it starts switching between capacity to save someone a debilitating lifetime, vs some sort of moral predilections to alter someone’s perceived “imperfections”. I need to nod to Christopher Titus who mentioned something about this…. namely that you can “delete” a person before they get here, ie “that guy in the left turn lane, driving slow, weaving, texting his girlfriend” never even has to show up. I was wondering where it begins and ends, from scientific possibility to ethical boundaries. Thanks!

About Uncle Fishbits

I'm.. just this guy, you know?

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