Posts Tagged: marketing

Coke cancelled their “You’re on [Diet] Coke” campaign. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. I saw it was like “NO WAY – SOMEONE Continue Reading…

The more brands you wear, the less *you* are defined, and the more you are owned.  We’re all guilty with aligning with brands, it’s natural.  But what does it mean? Brand: Brand may also refer Continue Reading…

Bad, BAD *BAD* ads. For so many reasons. From creepy, to wrong, to just REALLY wrong… the nature of so much advertising is to make you feel deficient. The tactics of marketing are, on the whole, to Continue Reading…

[WARNING:  DISGUSTING CYNICISM AHEAD.  I JUST TALK ABOUT IT TO MAKE IT AS TRANSPARENT AS POSSIBLE] It might be the most important marketing tool in the history of business.  This is what I would Continue Reading…