Here’s where we’re at:

The Tea Party is paranoid, and thinks the most successful wartime president in 50 years, who has taken out more dictators and enemies than any president *ever*, thinks Obama is rigorously un-American and a communist and wasn’t born in the US.  If not, he’s a socialist, and he has some grand conspiracy to destroy the US. Umm… are you even paying attention? They aren’t too far off on wasteful spending or smaller government.

The Occupy movement is paranoid, and thinks that the government is orchestrating intelligent conspiracies, and you can’t trust anyone anywhere. They aren’t too far off on Wall Street and cronyism.  9/11 was an inside job where apparently Cheney set the explosives himself. Of course, there’s no proof or data to suggest that it was an inside job.  In fact, Mr. David Cross says it best: (it’s funny.. click )

“I don’t think Osama bin Laden sent those planes to attack us because he hated our freedom. I think he did it because of our support for Israel, our ties with the Saudi family and our military bases in Saudi Arabia. You know why I think that? Because that’s WHAT HE FUCKING SAID! Are we a nation of 6-year-olds? Answer: yes.”

The fringe is always loud, and they get a lot of the limelight. The fact is that there are valid opinions throughout both of these groups, but unless they are able to temper the fringe element, and start building on ideas rather than rhetoric, these people won’t do much other than foul the restructuring of the political process. The sad thing is that both these movements have valid assesments of our gov, and thoughtful ideas to advance to the next phase of government….. but the press, the groups themselves, and the general public are doing nothing other than armchair spectating and waiting for the next “oh my gosh” media moment, rather than focusing on the valid attempts to fix things.

These wild-eyed paranoid delusionals are completely irrelevant, in many ways, other than they can impact our diligent course to rephrase these systems within the new technological paradigm….

They may have a loud bark, but they are the fringe, and really not worth speaking of.

I am a big silent majority guy. We need to be less silent. Let rational calm rear its pretty head….

The government is too archaic and scattered to pull off conspiracies.
It’s also not evil as much as bumbling and self interested.

New tech will be able to resolve all of this. Let’s just keep our collective shit together while we reboot to Gov 2.0.

I wish someone important read this so I could suggest the media to play it’s role – more as journalists, less as “gawker board” view counts.

We need to evolve into a stable future – that will inevitably happen. It’s just whether it’s on a healthy time frame or not.

All this nonsense is just a diversion from the real work being done. Stop focusing on the fringe, start working towards a resolution… all of us.

About Uncle Fishbits

I'm.. just this guy, you know?

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