In response to this, I say….

You know what? I don’t care.  It’s like… some say Pincus destroyed it, some say it’s still living in certain corners.  And all the external hubbub is nothing more than noise, because it’s really about who’s using it, and if it works for them.  I know that is a short sighted approach, because the fierce interest in twitter’s viability is important and not unfounded… but twitter has finallydestroyed facebook, personally, where I find I am more capable of searching out like minded people rather than arbitrary people with wildly opposing views simply based off of geographic proximity during youth.  Professionally on twitter, I am able to network with a large community, rather than facebook where my hotelier / travel side of my life (my professional and rather sizeable side) is completely marginalized.  I am sure Facebook will be a powerhouse *professionally*, but personally it’s just mindless noise.  Twitter has helped me connect with hospitality pros, art seekers, philosophers, scientists, and other people I *never* would have access to on facebook. So this isn’t just an off topic rant, I will say that Julian Bond above me has a simple, wonderful point.  Lurkers – people who choose not to participate – are the norm.  There are content generators, and lurkers.  I hate polarizing things, but that’s as close as it gets.  And lurkers will lurk, just like a content generator like me will respond, in a knee jerk reaction, to almost anything with an opinion, create a pile of words and generated-thought to be indexed infinitely — though the tragic humor in that is that no one will read it.  Is anyone reading it now?  I don’t know… if only a fifth are active might not be as sad as how little amount of real conversation is actually happening in social media overall.  A lot of the time it looks like conversation, but it’s really just little billboards for personal brands.  On twitter, it seems like genuine conversation a lot of the time.  But that’s just me.

About Uncle Fishbits

I'm.. just this guy, you know?

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