Mental illness…. it’s real, tragic, and we need a better dialogue about it.

But hacking your own pet to bits? Doesn’t this just seem surreal. If someone who is so loved and supported by friends can short fuse so massively… how well can you really know someone?

Zach Galifinakis has a stand up live at the Purple Onion, and in a non sequitr asks, frightened… “Can you *really* trust your mind? I mean… can *YOU* *REALLY* trust *YOUR* mind?”

This stuff scares me….. if this is a well liked and normal guy one second that goes on tilt and chops up his dog, gets nude, slathers himself with blood… (good use of the word slather)…

how much can we trust? That’s Bosch-like madness. It’s incomprehensible.

About Uncle Fishbits

I'm.. just this guy, you know?

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