Dude loves rainbows.  So do I.  There’s a very personal story about double rainbows in regards to my grandparents passing, but it’s much too long and much too personal. I wish I could erase words on here, or I wouldn’t have mentioned it.  I mean… it’s an old computer. The backspace and delete have been hit with such force, they have fallen into disrepair.

As to the gent, we’ve all been there. Or as Monty says, anyone that’s a friend has.

It was an emotional roller coaster for me too.  I found my guard up, quick to judge….

1st I was like “cool”, double rainbows.

2nd I was like, “Oh wow, he is awesomely freaking out”.

3rd I was like… He is on mushrooms. Completely. Oh.

4th I started laughing hysterically. Like from the belly and the gut and the soul.

5th I started crying with him for real… that I could be watching a web video about something so beautiful, so personal, so epic and solitary and momentous and fleeting – and it was *ME* making fun of *HIM*.  I can self-orient.  I get it.

So, giggle away oh sir.

About Uncle Fishbits

I'm.. just this guy, you know?

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