Since most of us have been insufferable….

and it seems we have to be comfortable out of the closet at this point…..

Soccer Officially Announces It Is Gay

Here is some epic love for the World’s greatest sport!

You may have all seen this… but starting with Daft Punk really puts you in my happy zone. The most legendary, interplanetary, freaky soccer ad ever. For shizzle.

The greatest save (in a friendly) of all time!

GOALS OF INSANITY! The music is always so fun.

They talked about teamwork back in the day. The above, well.. it’s an example of it. So awesome.

Of course, let’s not forget the ladies!

Amazing Soccer GirlThe most amazing home videos are here

Of course… there’s faking.

And.. idiots.

(get past the 10 seconds of error, and it’s a gas)

And we know Robert Green will be part of this next clip of own goal blunders… but give him a break. He had just broke up with his model girlfriend.

Because I will never, ever, ever make a sports post (for four years), I figure I will include the gems I have come across recently.

My Wife Knows Everything Vs My Wife Doesn’t Know

I laughed until I cried. The point that he talks about 4 or 5 penises down beaver alley, I almost lost my dinner.

But, there’s also Favella Downhill… which is relatively epic. These guys are insane, and Redbull is doing some neato stuff.

Is this real? I can’t imagine it’s possible.

Marbles is a sport, right?

About Uncle Fishbits

I'm.. just this guy, you know?

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