Just think about it!

The Subconscious, for someone like you, is typically just a pejorative way of saying “unconscious”. (I think.. if I may be so bold)

There are others that believe in the concept of the “subconscious” as some arcane and ethereal place in the mind… but the definition of consciousness negates any possibility of something being under or “sub” it.

When you sit and think about it, the idea of something in the subconscious is certainly difficult to conceive of. But something lying in the unconscious (IE – not aware) is perfectly easy to understand.

So, in that I wasted time thinking about this years ago, I thought I would pass it to you, another thinking person.

Who said professor’s aren’t preparing us for the real world?

I waited about 12 years to use that in the real world.


(but it may just be my subconscious)

About Uncle Fishbits

I'm.. just this guy, you know?

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