Posts Categorized: philosophy

That Cat was the NAAaaazZZzzzzz. Can you dig infinity? Because I can. In fact, it makes me want to read this book: The Beginning Continue Reading…

Haven’t watched it yet, but popping open the vid, something struck me. I haven’t thought of the concept of an afterlife since I rejected it at 7, noting Santa Claus was more feasible and he wasn’t real. No Continue Reading…

*Nice*.  Center for Inquiry is a humanist skeptic group.  They aren’t as active as CSICOP (committee for scientific investigation into claims of the paranormal) in debunking frauds, etc…. but more Continue Reading…

A new concept, to some extent… seasonal viral videos. Things that get passed around each year, some more worthy than others. Santasm is another one that is near and dear to my aching, creeped out heart. Continue Reading…

The more brands you wear, the less *you* are defined, and the more you are owned.  We’re all guilty with aligning with brands, it’s natural.  But what does it mean? Brand: Brand may also refer Continue Reading…

Bill Keller, NY Times Editor, talks to Terry Gross on NPR. This is likely the best wrap up, up to date, about the impact of wikileaks’ model, and the changing of the guard in respect to surpression or Continue Reading…

Please. Share it with family that remembers the first man on the moon, or watching the innovation of the war fueled space race that led us from vitriol to hope.