Posts Categorized: health and nutrition That video is nutso, because we’ve actually created a human image that doesn’t exist, and Continue Reading…

Tiburon, California

Hi! I can’t believe you’re here!  We love this place, and I am just one member of an amazing community that is coming of age.  The landscape and atmosphere of Tiburon is changing, and we are finding Continue Reading…

I immediately realized that, whether I am healthy or fit or not doesn’t matter, because my health was happening without my involvement. Total catharses. Whether I wanted to work out or not, health and nutrition was happening. I always thought of it as “OH great – I got to the gym today. +1 for me!”. But that’s not it…. it’s that being healthy and fit, like we were running around as caveman, means that the baseline is that you are getting fitness constantly every day, and if you don’t, that is a -1, not a +1. Fitness is the baseline. I thought it was a choice.

This is water….. Short version: Life is what happens when you are annoyed and think time is being wasted. If you can truly live in those moments without judgement, you are just KILLING it. For real. Continue Reading…

Let’s ask some questions. We are guinea pigs, at the first 1% of these powerful new technologies that have rapidly, exponentially, grabbed hold of our lives in the last 5 or 6 decades. In the last 10 Continue Reading…

I rambled this off after reading this Economist Obit.  Just a few sentences hit my brainpan……   Brazen and unapologetic, brilliant and engaging… with a soft spot for the warmth of friends. Continue Reading…

Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to Continue Reading…

So… are jobs obsolete?

  Simply brilliant and thoughtful article. There’s PLENTY of jobs for high skilled people. Robots and tech is killing union jobs for unskilled labor, the internet has made thousands of types Continue Reading…

One of my favorite lines in history was a response to the Economist article in the letters section of the magazine. That organic is ridiculous, and “something as prosaic as buying an apple denotes your social class and education level”. Pro-Organic people were so dogmatic. Oh well… they’ll brush it off and not learn any lessons. That’s what liberals always do.